Physical Therapy Department
The physical therapy department offers specialized services aimed at improving and restoring functional body movement after injuries or surgeries. The department provides comprehensive treatment programs tailored to each patient using the latest technologies and equipment. It focuses on promoting healing, strengthening muscles, and improving flexibility, helping patients return to daily life in optimal condition.
Services provided at the clinic:
Doctors of the department:
ماريا سينثيا سلفادور-ريكوليتو
Dentistry Department
محمد محى الدين عبدالقادر الشلقامى
Pediatrics Department
عبدالله احمد محمد
General Medicine Department
شيفابريا ناير
Dentistry Department
سمر خالد تركي محمد
Dentistry Department
Ahmed Shawqi Mohammed Iraqi
Dentistry Department
We are committed to providing the highest level of healthcare through a specialized medical team and advanced facilities. Our services cover various medical specialties such as internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and dentistry, as well as other medical departments